Obsah databáze
Úroveň |
Lekcí |
Otázek |
Začátečník | 80 | 812 |
Středně pokročilý | 97 | 1011 |
Pokročilý | 43 | 484 |
Celkem | 220 | 2307 |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1-2 | barvy | 17 | beige, black, blue, brown, colour, dark, golden, gray, green, light, ... |
3-5 | čísla | 34 | billion, dozen, eight, eighteen, eighty, eleven, fifteen, fifty, five, forty, ... |
6-7 | čas | 26 | a while, A.D., afternoon, B.C., beginning, date, day, end, eve, evening, ... |
8 | den | 9 | day of the week, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, weekend |
10 | měsíc | 13 | April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, month, ... |
11 | rok | 10 | autumn, century, eternity, last year, season, spring, summer, week, winter, year |
12 | tvar 2d | 7 | circle, ellipse, line, rectangle, shape, square, triangle |
15 | pozice | 11 | beginning, border, centre, corner, end, finish, gap, location, position |
17-18 | škola | 25 | answer, black board, class, classroom, college, course, education, kindergarten, knowledge, language school, ... |
20 | slovo | 6 | alphabet, block letter, letter, sentence, vocabulary, word |
22-23 | kniha | 19 | Bible, book, booklet, comic book, dictionary, document, encyclopedia, exercise book, line, manual, ... |
25 | úkol | 11 | assignment, count, essay, example, exercise, homework, mark, memory, studying, template, ... |
27 | psací potřeby | 16 | ballpoint pen, blot, crayon, highlighter, ink, marker pen, paper, paste, pen, pencil, ... |
29 | zeměpis | 9 | area, country, distance, foreign country, place, post, space, surroundings, world |
31 | světová strana | 5 | cardinal point, east, north, south, west |
32 | světadíl | 7 | Africa, America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, continent, Europe |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1-2 | rodina | 22 | baby, brother, child / children, daddy, daughter, family, father, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, ... |
5-6 | člověk | 22 | adult, boy, boyfriend, first name, friend, gentleman, girl, girlfriend, lady, madam, ... |
9-11 | tělo | 32 | arm, back, body, bottom, chest, ear, eye, face, finger, foot / feet, ... |
18 | pocit | 14 | achievement, bad luck, concern, failure, fear, feeling, good luck, happiness, hunger, love, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1 | počasí | 10 | air, cloud, ice, rain, rainbow, sky, snow, weather, weather forecast, wind |
3-4 | krajina | 18 | cave, desert, dry land, forest, hill, island, lake, land, landscape, mountain, ... |
7-8 | domácí zvíře | 19 | animal, cat, cattle, chicken, cow, dog, domestic animal, donkey, duck, fur, ... |
11 | savec | 11 | bear, elephant, fox, giraffe, lion, living creature, mammal, monkey, mouse / mice, tiger, ... |
22 | rostlina | 11 | bush, flower, green vegetation, herb, moss, mushroom, plant, seed, spine, thorn |
24 | strom | 5 | bark, branch, root, tree, tree trunk |
31 | vesmír | 8 | binoculars, earth, moon, outer space, star, sun, telescope, universe |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1 | pokrm | 7 | breakfast, dinner, food, lunch, meal, snack, supper |
3 | ovoce | 10 | apple, apricot, banana, fruit, lemon, orange, peach, pear, plum, strawberry |
6 | zelenina | 11 | bean, carrot, cucumber, garlic, lentil, lettuce, onion, pea, potato, tomato, ... |
9-10 | potravina | 20 | bread, butter, cheese, cocoa, egg, flour, foodstuff, ham, honey, meat, ... |
14 | nápoj | 12 | beer, carbonated water, coffee, drink, lemonade, milk, mineral water, still water, tea, water |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1-2 | dům | 22 | ceiling, chimney, door, doorbell, flat, floor, gate, ground floor, hall, home, ... |
5-6 | kuchyně | 20 | bottle, bowl, cookbook, cooker, cup, cutlery, dishes, fork, frying pan, glass, ... |
9 | obývací pokoj | 8 | armchair, carpet, chair, couch, furniture, living room, sofa, table |
12 | koupelna | 11 | bath, bathroom, bathtub, brush, mirror, shower, toilet, toilet paper, towel, washbasin, ... |
14 | ložnice | 9 | air-conditioning, alarm clock, bed, bed cover, bedroom, blanket, clock, cushion, pillow |
16 | domácí spotřebič | 9 | dishwasher, household appliance, mobile phone, radio, refrigerator, telephone, television, vacuum cleaner, washing machine |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1-2 | město | 22 | bank, bar, bridge, building, capital, cinema, city, fire brigade, fire station, hospital, ... |
5 | venkov | 10 | cottage, countryside, county, field, hut, municipality, settlement, village, vineyard, well |
6 | památky | 8 | bell, castle, church, museum, sights, spa, tower |
9 | doprava | 8 | car park, garage, line, motorway, road, station, stop, street |
13-14 | vozidlo | 18 | airplane, ambulance, bicycle, bus, car, engine, helicopter, long-distance bus, metro, motorbike, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1 | nákup | 13 | bag, clearance sale, client, customer, goods, packaging, piece, product, purchase, sale, ... |
5 | obchod | 9 | boutique, café, corner shop, department store, market, shop, shopping centre, stand, supermarket |
8-9 | oblečení | 20 | backpack, boot, cap, clothing, coat, handbag, hat, jacket, jeans, pocket, ... |
15 | péče o svůj vzhled | 8 | comb, medicine, razor, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, umbrella |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1 | oslava | 8 | birth, birthday, celebration, congratulation, invitation, party, visit, wish |
3 | dovolená | 10 | beach, fun, guest house, holiday, holidays, hotel, leisure, lodgings, stay, tourist |
6-7 | cestování | 24 | airport, arrival, baggage, connection, counter, departure, drive, first class, flight, passport, ... |
13-14 | sport | 24 | ball, championship, club, discipline, fan, fighting, jersey, loser, match, opponent, ... |
18 | kultura | 8 | band, civilization, concert, culture, film, play, song, star |
20 | zprávy | 9 | channel, forecast, information, magazine, news, newspaper, press, programme, radio |
23 | pohádka | 11 | dragon, emperor, fairy tale, ghost, king, kingdom, knight, prince, princess, queen, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
1-2 | zaměstnání | 20 | artist, baker, cook, doctor, driver, employee, employer, engineer, farmer, firefighter, ... |
10 | činnost | 11 | activity, break, cooperation, deal, management, order, pause, progress, task, trade, ... |
13-14 | diskuze | 24 | advice, conversation, dialogue, discussion, example, help, idea, introduction, meaning, meeting, ... |
24 | kancelář | 11 | address, bureau, connection, deadline, envelope, letter, meeting, message, office, postcard, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
9 | den | 9 | Christmas, dawn, Easter, name day, New Year's Eve, public holiday, sunrise, sunset, weekday |
13 | tvar 2d | 9 | angle, arc, arrow, curve, degree, hexagon, pentagon, rhombus, strip |
14 | tvar 3d | 12 | cone, cube, cuboid, cylinder, disc, edge, hole, layer, opening, pyramid, ... |
16 | rozměr | 12 | area, depth, diameter, dimension, height, length, radius, range, size, surface, ... |
19 | škola | 13 | basis, branch, certificate, essence, faculty, graduation, level, repetition, report, scholar, ... |
21 | slovo | 9 | addition, annotation, complement, content, note, record, remark, space, supplement |
24 | kniha | 12 | abstract, appendix, border, charter, copy, duplicate, extract, introduction, leaflet, original, ... |
26 | úkol | 8 | addition, average, calculation, difference, division, multiplication, rule, subtraction |
28 | předmět | 12 | biology, chemistry, class, geography, history, language, lecture, mathematics, mother tongue, physical education, ... |
30 | zeměpis | 11 | area, borderline, canton, country, district, globe, inland, population, region, territory, ... |
33 | vlastnost | 7 | balance, force, property, relation, state, trait, weight |
34 | jednotka | 7 | foot / feet, inch, mile, ounce, pound, unit, yard |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
3-4 | rodina | 24 | aunt, bride, brother-in-law, childhood, cousin, descendant, fiancé, fiancée, groom, honeymoon, ... |
7-8 | člověk | 24 | acquaintance, being, corpse, enemy, fellowship, folk, friendship, guest, homeland, host, ... |
12-14 | tělo | 32 | ankle, backbone, beard, bone, breast, calf, cheek, chin, elbow, eyebrow, ... |
16 | smysl | 8 | bad smell, nice smell, sense, sense of hearing, sense of sight, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of touch |
17 | povaha | 13 | character, habit, lecture, nature, patience, reputation, soul, spirit, strength, style, ... |
19-20 | pocit | 26 | affection, bravery, chance, coincidence, courage, craving, desire, embarrassment, emotion, enthusiasm, ... |
22 | nemoc | 11 | bruise, cancer, cough, disabled, disease, fever, headache, health, influenza, insanity, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
2 | počasí | 10 | breeze, hailstone, icicle, lightning, rain shower, ray, snowflake, thunder, thunderstorm, windstorm |
5 | krajina | 11 | bank, bay, coastline, creek, dam, gulf, pond, sea level, spring, stream, ... |
9 | domácí zvíře | 10 | billy goat, bitch, cock, drake, farm animal, gander, mare, ram, tomcat, turkey hen |
12 | savec | 11 | ape, beaver, camel, dolphin, hare, hippopotamus, kangaroo, rat, rhinoceros, whale, ... |
14 | pták | 11 | beak, bird, blackbird, crow, eagle, feather, ostrich, owl, parrot, penguin, ... |
16 | ryba | 12 | carp, catfish, cuttlefish, eel, fish / fish, octopus, pike, salmon, sardine, shark, ... |
17 | plaz | 10 | crocodile, grass snake, lizard, reptile, snail, snake, tail, tortoise, turtle, viper |
18 | hmyz | 12 | ant, bee, beetle, butterfly, fly, hornet, insect, spider, spider web, swarm, ... |
25 | listnatý strom | 11 | beech, birch, chestnut, deciduous tree, elm, leaf / leaves, linden, maple, oak, plane tree, ... |
26 | jehličnatý strom | 8 | conifer, fir, larch, needles, pine, pinecone, spruce, yew |
27 | obilí | 9 | barley, crop, grain, hay, maize, oat, rye, wheat |
28 | nerost | 9 | bronze, coal, gold, iron, metal, mineral, raw material, silver, stone |
30 | jev | 14 | element, fire, flame, foam, noise, phenomenon / phenomena, shade, shadow, sound, spark, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
2 | pokrm | 7 | appetizer, course, fast food, portion, recipe, side dish, stuffing |
4 | ovoce | 10 | almond, cherry, coconut, grape, grapefruit, lime, mango, nut, pineapple, sour cherry |
7 | zelenina | 10 | beet, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, melon, pepper, pumpkin, radish, spinach |
11-12 | potravina | 18 | cereal, cornflakes, cottage cheese, dairy product, dough, fat, ingredient, jam, jelly, ketchup, ... |
15 | nápoj | 12 | champagne, coke, espresso, juice, spirit, spritzer, vodka, whisky |
16 | sladkosti | 10 | biscuit, cake, chocolate, confection, delicacy, dessert, ice cream, pie, sweet, sweets |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
3-4 | dům | 19 | antenna, attic, balcony, cellar, corridor, curtain, dormer, dustbin, eaves, heating, ... |
7 | kuchyně | 10 | can, cupboard, food processor, jar, jug, kitchen scales, kitchen units, opener, pocket knife, wooden spoon |
10 | obývací pokoj | 7 | ashtray, fireplace, painting, picture, portrait, poster, vase |
13 | koupelna | 11 | bathmat, drain, floor tile, rag, scales, shower curtain, shower enclosure, tap, tile, toilet bowl, ... |
15 | ložnice | 13 | bed lamp, bed table, chest, chest of drawers, closet, coat-stand, cradle, drawer, hanger, locker, ... |
17 | domácí spotřebič | 10 | button, earphones, freezer, hairdryer, iron, kettle, lamp, light, light bulb, microwave oven |
19 | zahrada | 11 | basket, estate, fence, flowerpot, garden, hedge, lawn, plot, seeds, soil, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
3-4 | město | 21 | alley, bench, cemetery, city centre, embassy, grave, hostel, housing estate, lane, madhouse, ... |
7 | památky | 9 | altar, bars, courtyard, fountain, gallery, observation tower, picture gallery, sculpture, statue |
8 | stavba | 11 | barrier, column, construction, escalator, factory, latch, lift, locality, mine, power plant, ... |
10-11 | doprava | 18 | diversion, ferry, harbour, infrastructure, main road, one-way road, pedestrian crossing, petrol station, port, railway, ... |
15 | vozidlo | 9 | boat, coach, express train, lorry, passenger, racecar, rocket, tractor, van |
17 | auto | 11 | accident, brake, breakdown, diesel, engine, fine, petrol, steering wheel, traffic rule, wheel, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
2 | nákup | 13 | box, brand, collection, consumer, container, kind, label, queue, set, shop window, ... |
4 | peníze | 12 | bank account, banknote, cheque, coin, crown, currency, euro, money, payment card, pound, ... |
6-7 | obchod | 17 | antique shop, bakery, bookshop, buffet, butcher's, checkout counter, cleaner's, delicatessen, greengrocer's, grocer's shop, ... |
10-11 | oblečení | 21 | bathrobe, belt, blouse, boxer shorts, bra, glove, handkerchief, knickers, lingerie, mittens, ... |
14 | doplněk oblečení | 9 | accessory, bracelet, chain, glasses, jewel, ribbon, ring, watch, wig |
16 | péče o svůj vzhled | 10 | clip, deodorant, face flannel, fragrance, grooming, hair colour, lipstick, mascara, razor blade, shaving foam |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
2 | oslava | 7 | bouquet, company, custom, feast, festival, fireworks, reunion |
4-5 | dovolená | 25 | data, deckchair, double room, foreigner, full board, half board, hotel guest, inn, key, local, ... |
8 | cestování | 15 | arrival lounge, baggage cart, baggage claim, board, boarding pass, card, check-in, check-in counter, customs office, deck, ... |
10 | prohlídka | 13 | attraction, city plan, city tour, coat of arms, emblem, entrance ticket, flag, guidebook, map, monument, ... |
11 | kempování | 10 | bag, camp, camping, campsite, candle, caravan, drinking water, match, recreational vehicle, tent |
16 | koníček | 11 | cage, card, chess, dice, fishing rod, fun, hobby, member, pet, photograph, ... |
17 | hřiště | 11 | amusement park, doll, game, kite, playground, sandpit, seesaw, skipping rope, slide, swing, ... |
19 | kultura | 9 | ballet, celebrity, choir, drawing, episode, opera, performance, presentation, stage |
21 | zprávy | 9 | attack, battle, defence, fire, offensive, peace, surprise, violence, war |
24-25 | pohádka | 22 | adventure, angel, armour, deity, devil, elf, fairy, fate, giant, gnome, ... |
26 | zbraň | 3 | handgun, rifle, weapon |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
3-6 | zaměstnání | 43 | barber, bartender, blacksmith, boss, bricklayer, butcher, carpenter, cashier, citizen, confectioner, ... |
11 | činnost | 11 | action, behaviour, challenge, development, diligence, discovery, duty, evaluation, responsibility, situation, ... |
15-17 | diskuze | 35 | agreement, aim, apology, applause, argument, ban, cause, condition, conflict, consequence, ... |
21-22 | pracovní místo | 17 | application, business card, canteen, curriculum vitae, day off, experience, interview, job, notice, operation, ... |
25 | kancelář | 10 | communication, consultation, contact, contract, correspondence, message, packet, parcel, service, treaty |
27 | počítač | 10 | application, calculator, computer, connection, data, key, keyboard, monitor, printer, screen |
28 | hospodářství | 12 | agriculture, business, company, competition, economics, economy, enterprise, firm, industry, order, ... |
31 | materiál | 10 | amount, board, brick, element, leather, material, matter, plastic, sand, wood |
33 | nářadí | 11 | box, case, hammer, kit, rod, saw, scissors, screw, screwdriver, tools, ... |
35 | technika | 11 | battery charger, boiler, device, machine, means, pipe, signal, technique, technology, tube, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
15 | tělo | 11 | artery, blood, brain, footprint, heart, kidney, liver, lung, organ, stomach, ... |
21 | pocit | 14 | anxiety, certainty, chaos, confusion, disaster, distress, fervour, jubilation, passion, protection, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
6 | krajina | 12 | basin, clearing, cliff, ford, jungle, meadow, peak, peninsula, rainforest, savannah, ... |
10 | domácí zvíře | 11 | beef cattle, bull, calf, foal, guinea pig, hamster, hog, lamb, ox, piglet, ... |
13 | savec | 11 | bat, boar, cheetah, elk, gorilla, hart, hedgehog, herd, mole, roe deer, ... |
15 | pták | 12 | cuckoo, falcon, flamingo, hawk, partridge, peacock, pheasant, seagull, sparrow, stork, ... |
19 | hmyz | 12 | bumblebee, caterpillar, cockroach, dragonfly, earthworm, flea, grasshopper, ladybug, mosquito, moth, ... |
20 | obojživelník | 4 | amphibian, frog, salamander, toad |
21 | korýš | 6 | crab, crawfish, crustacean, lobster, oyster, prawn |
23 | květina | 12 | carnation, daffodil, daisy, dandelion, iris, lily, mould, rose, snowdrop, sunflower, ... |
29 | nerost | 13 | aluminium, boulder, copper, diamond, gem, granite, lead, limestone, marble, mineral resources, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
5 | ovoce | 11 | avocado, berry, bilberry, blackberry, cranberry, currant, gooseberry, nutshell, peel, raisin, ... |
8 | zelenina | 11 | asparagus, aubergine, brussels sprouts, celery, chives, courgette, dill, horseradish, leek, parsley, ... |
13 | potravina | 13 | albumen, baking powder, cumin, kidney, liver sausage, mincemeat, nutrition, pickles, rolled oats, seafood, ... |
17 | sladkosti | 11 | cheesecake, cream, doughnut, gingerbread, pancake, sponge, sundae, tart, toffee, wafer, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
8 | kuchyně | 11 | broom, chopper, dish detergent, dish towel, dustpan, funnel, grater, napkin, roller, salt cellar, ... |
11 | obývací pokoj | 11 | bookcase, cabinet, coffee table, curtain, duster, furnishings, rack, shelf / shelves, stool, wall unit, ... |
18 | domácí spotřebič | 12 | answering machine, battery, blender, DVD player, hi-fi sound system, lantern, loudspeaker, remote control, satellite receiver, stereo system, ... |
20 | zahrada | 11 | barrel, dung, hoe, hosepipe, lawn mower, pitchfork, rake, seedbed, shed, spade, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
12 | doprava | 11 | blind alley, cycle track, flyover, intersection, kerb, pier, rail, roundabout, shoulder, turn, ... |
16 | vozidlo | 12 | cable car, chairlift, compartment, inflatable boat, jet plane, parachute, sailboat, spaceship, submarine, tow truck, ... |
18-19 | auto | 21 | blinker, bonnet, boot, bumper, clutch, dashboard, driver's license, exhaust pipe, gearbox, headlamp, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
3 | nákup | 11 | advance, bill, complaint, deposit, invoice, payment, receipt, supplement, voucher, warranty, ... |
12-13 | oblečení | 23 | bow tie, button, cardigan, dinner jacket, dress, fur coat, gown, headband, jacket, jumper, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
9 | cestování | 11 | crew, cruise, environment, journey, national park, nature park, pathway, return, section, track, ... |
12 | kempování | 11 | campfire, cooker, hookup, knot, reserve, rope, sleeping bag, stick, string, tarp, ... |
15 | sport | 15 | bat, competition, competitor, court, dart, equipment, field, helmet, hockey stick, hoop, ... |
22 | zprávy | 11 | act, background, contribution, disturbance, domination, environment, incident, law, origin, riot, ... |
Lekce |
Téma |
Otázek |
Ukázky odpovědí |
7-9 | zaměstnání | 30 | accountant, advocate, broker, caretaker, chairman, clerk, complainant, conductor, dealer, deputy, ... |
12 | činnost | 9 | authorization, confirmation, doddle, extension, manipulation, measure, necessity, obligation, ranking |
18-20 | diskuze | 32 | actions, allegation, approval, assertion, betrayal, claim, concession, conference, consideration, contradiction, ... |
23 | příjem | 14 | bail, bribe, charge, fraud, gross income, income, levy, net income, salary, security, ... |
26 | kancelář | 11 | attachment, command, department, division, folder, manner, password, slogan, stapler, subordinate, ... |
29-30 | hospodářství | 28 | branch, claim, decline, decrease, delivery, demand, duty, excess, expense, export, ... |
32 | materiál | 13 | ash, cardboard, clay, concrete, dust, fabric, gypsum, magnet, mortar, oxygen, ... |
34 | nářadí | 12 | axe, brush, bucket, drill, drill bit, file, hook, nail, needle, plane, ... |